It is important that you protect both your physical and your mental health as much as you can. You will face some challenging times in both your work and your personal life.
Employers have a duty to protect the health and safety of their employees, and should be regularly updating risk assessments to ensure the correct measures are quickly put in place to help achieve this.
Here we will share useful resources and tips to help protect your mental health.
Help available from Heartled Wellbeing
Our training partner, Heartled Wellbeing are able to offer coaching, counselling and psychotherapy consultations via Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp and telephone appointments at a reduced rate for ICCM Members. Annie Raven-Vause will be available from 5pm – 8pm Monday to Friday should anyone wish to receive support. Francis Raven-Vause, who is a fully insured NLP Master Practitioner is also offering coaching and stress management from 09.00 – 18.00 Monday to Friday. Details of what Annie and Francis can offer, and their contact details, can be found on the Heartlead Wellbeing website.
Able Futures Programme
The Able Futures Programme offers early intervention psychological support free of charge to people in employment. This is a telephone based service usually delivered on a monthly basis for 9 months. Further information about what the programme can offer can be found on the Able Futures website.
Useful websites:
Daily Om – resources for maintaining good health
Shout – 24 hour text line support
British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy – advice for coping during the coronavirus outbreak
Rehabs for addition – Mental health tips
Useful apps:
For mindfulness, meditation and mental health
The NHS has a catalogue of apps relating to mental health
Useful Articles
When Zoom Is The Workplace: Facts About Remote Work & Mental Health