ICCM South East Branch Meeting Networking Event – Wednesday 9th April 2025

Golders Green Crematorium, Wednesday 9th April 2025

I have pleasure in inviting all members to the next South East Branch meeting.

It will be held at Golders Green Crematorium in North London. It is one of the most famous crematoria in the world. The stunning Grade II listed building, constructed in 1902, is a hidden architectural gem and was the first crematorium built in London.

As the second created by the London Cremation Company after Woking, it has truly helped shape the art of cremation in this country.

It has some notable interments including Marc Bolan, founder of T-Rex, the drummer for the Who, Keith Moon as well as the likes of Barbara Windsor, Peter Sellers and Bram stocker who wrote Dracula, to name but a few!

A presentation on the background of the site will be given by the Manager, Christopher Phillimore‑Farden. A unique opportunity to attend a tour of this famous cemetery is also included and not to be missed! If you are interested, please reserve your space as numbers of attendees are limited.

Apply here

Obitus will be kindly sponsoring the event.

Lunch will be provided

For more information please contact the Branch Secretary, Heather White on heather.white@southampton.gov.uk