Notice is hereby given that the ICCM AGM 2024 will take place on Monday 23rd September at 13.45, at the Chesford Grange Hotel, Chesford Bridge, Kenilworth, CV8 2LD.
The AGM is your opportunity to hear from and question the ICCM Board of Directors and Officers.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the AGM, but please note that only ICCM professional and corporate members (with the exception of Associate Corporate Members) can vote on any of the Agenda items. There is no charge for attending the AGM.

A copy of the AGM Handbook, containing an agenda, draft minutes from the AGM 2023, Directors Report, statistics and progress against the Board of Directors’ Strategic Objectives can be viewed here. Please note that printed copies of the AGM handbook will not be available at the AGM due to our commitment to reducing our environmental impact.

A copy of the ICCM Accounts for 2023-24 can be viewed here.

If you have any questions about the AGM, please email them to enquiries@iccm-uk.com.