This page contains the ICCM Environmental Policy and other general environmental topics.
Other areas of major impact on the environment have been assigned their own specific pages and links i.e. Recycling of Metals Following Cremation and Mercury Abatement at Crematoria.
Following the consultation on Funerals and their Impact on the Environment the Environment Agency has now published its FINAL POLICY document. Whilst this consultation focused on burials in private land and scattering of cremated remains in water it contains responses on other areas of impact. PLEASE NOTE comments 79 and 81 concerning the Recycling of Metals Following Cremation contained near the end of the document.
The Burial & Cremation Education Trust (BCET) has launched its Carbon Footprint scheme. The scheme is supported by the Carbon Trust and is designed to assist cemeteries and crematoria reduce their carbon footprints in a measurable and reportable way.
Download the Scheme Flyer here or contact Nicky Birt, Clerk to the Trustees for further information flrt@laughtonsfarm.co.uk